Dear dead URLs,

I just received word that dead URLs passed away the other night. I'm glad to hear that his passing was peaceful with no suffering. That is an appropriate ending for a man of his caliber and character who devoted his life to others.

Dead URLs touched so many lives with his warm smile and kind words. I remember last year when we celebrated your 50th anniversary how happy the two of you looked together. You were even more in love than when you got married. Both of those days are times that I was proud to be part of and I will treasure the memories always.

I know the coming days will be hard for you. You have lost your life partner, the person with whom you faced every challenge and celebrated every triumph. However, his love for you will give you the strength to face whatever comes your way. You have your precious memories to bring you comfort and joy and even a tear or two.

While I cannot replace the dear husband you have had for so many years, I want you to know you are not alone. Any time you need to talk, to cry, or to reminisce about special memories, know that I am just a phone call away.

With love and prayers for you,
